October 2006...Navaratri Night, Anne's Party and a weekend in Paris!

Aj and Kris on Children in Need day 2007. Barnarby from Kris' class!

Ajay ready for evacuation....getting ready for the Beaumanor Trip!


July 2006 and Lizzie pays a quick visit


Various Summer 2005 photos

Eve's Christening

Chas n Clur

Distant relatives

Easy tiger!


Brief rest for the wicked

Go girl!

Constant flow of food and drinks from Nana's table...

First time without stabilisers!


Another first!


Aj's and Kris at school summer fete

Football challenge

Manchester Ship Canal...come on!!!!


Manchester, behind Old Trafford, War Museum

Museum again

Vikings visit the Wirral

A real viking last week

Another invader yesterday

Ahoy there!

Kids and grown-ups

Cute or what?

Shut the door, bit of a draft....

That's my seat!

Merry-go-round in Carcassonne

Carcassonne cathedral (S of France)

Dad and the boys at Carc etc

Ye olde French school

Jousting at Carcassonne!!!! Great fun.

The knights got to meet Aj and Kris....

... they were so thrilled

nobody (geddit!)

The boys on the beach in Portriragnes, S France

Cycling trip

Same trip... along the Canal du Midi

Quick boat trip around Cap D'Ag

Boat trip

Aj and Kris made friends at Les Sablons

Coupe's stag do!

Ajay's 7th birthday

Mala getting ready for Masi's 50th

Peter getting ready...in his own way

Street entertainment at Capetown! Table Mountain in the background

Clare's dog

Mother and Clare

You should recognise these two

Patriarchs with Clare and Jessie. I think at the Princess Diana memorial fountain


Ajay and Kris do London...and meet up with the family amongst the sights of the capital...

Ajay with a new puppet he made

Mala and the kids off to work in the HoP...

London Eye in the background

The boys on the Southbank

Mala on the Southbank

The long arm of the tickler!

C'mon brat...shake his hand!

That's it!!

In the eye!

Mala in the capsule

Lovely view!

Have a rest half way

Quite spacious these capsules!

Good fun!

Wierd bloke sharing the capsule...

Mala and Big Ben

Big Ben!

Bigger Ben!

Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!!!

Ajay and Peter helped this crazy guy from New Zealand...

Muckin' about on the water

Boat borne

Dad and Grandad!

Grandad on his way to the Tower...

The boys about to eat

... and drink

Ajay took this one!

A soldier!


The Tower of London

Kris took to the soldiers...

The boys at the Tower

The Beefeater in very modern version of the costume

Tower Brideg in the background

Sir Ajay

Sunshine for a few seconds

Sir Kris


Guess who havin nosh at the posh hotel!

All set for a great dinner

Let Daddy have a go dear....


Rajen, er, in the house


Phew! Tired...


Lizzie's pics from Eve's Christening


Clare Elliott climbs Ben Doran...is the photographer having a laugh or what!!?...

Paralyzed at the summit!

15 minutes later

The descent...


Rosie and Lizzie visit Leicester and Foxton Locks, February 2005


Christmas 2004 on the Wirral


More Dublin pics, this time from Our Mike in Glasgow. Also, check out the riotous evening as Therese celebrates her birthday with a few friends and Anne and Margie.


A few tasty images from Clare's 21st Birthday Weekend in Public, er, Dublin...

Accomodation - just like being back at Uni...and right on the Liffey!

Chris practising his Bus Conductor career choice...the bus drivers were riotous (you g*bsh*te Mike)

O'Connell Street. Named after yer man O'Connell.

One of 7,432,826 churchs within the 1 square km centre of Dublin. Famous for it's churchs y'know....

The Book of Kells. Oh no, er, the Guiness Brewery gates...

Atop the Guiness visitor's centre, sporting a strange dark brew. Bernie, why don'y you drop your free gift into Chris's pint and give him a good wet?

Yer man there enjoying a quiet point. Back a bit, more, bit more.....

After a couple of those guinness thingies, any cityscape in Western Europe.

Where do you start? Official waste of money, Ireland's biggest erection, the Stiffy on the Liffey. I quite liked it.

So much so I photographed it twice. Close up.

Bernard dear, it's wash day and the wanes are greetin....

Who could this be coming in through the door?........

.....come on then...........

........Our Clare!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!

Lucky boy........

Yer men there. All having a great time. Did I mention we had spent the day at the Guinness Brewery? We weren't there to admire the view you know...

If you can;t have fun with this bunch, you must be wise and of good stature.

Did we just skip to a porn site? get up Margie!


New Pics from Therese in the States...enjoy!


Recent trip to Wirral and a one day trip to Chatsworth House in Derbyshire with Linda ... !!!

Kris does whatever a spider can

This picture cannot convey the odour in the room...

Early masochistic tendencies...


Cousin Vinny on the 9 hole course with Peter (latter won of course)

Cousin Therese...not quite home on the Range...

They are laughing at me.....

Welcome home Caballeros...2 weeks in Mexico results in a noticeable increase in border incursions into the US....

HSH...The Elliotts Dynastic seat in Cheshire

Miniature fun at Royston park

Exciting stuff

...and from behind.... look at the steam!!!!

racing through the forest

Now to Chatsworth...on the Roundabout

Picinic in the grounds with Linda...is this Mum;s house or Chatsworth?

Sharing everything joyfylly with the wasps

The Cascade fountain

Beautiful sunny day at the fountain

Cascade Fountain with Chatsworth House in the background

Head of the fountain

Yes he is the only grown-up in the pond....

ho ho!

ha ha!

Sheep clipping

Is that Sven next to the tractor?

Aj and Kris' most favourite vehicle in the world

Aj poses

er, back to the fountain....


The lawns at Chatsworth (afetr Bernard has mowed it with the push-a-long)

Linda and Mala

Linda and Mala again...just kiddin...


Got any more pics? Send them in !!!
